run out of steam

[rʌn aut ɔv sti:m]
  • 释义
  • 失去动力,筋疲力尽;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The performing group began well, but seemed to run out of steam halfway through the year.

    演出小组开始时很好, 可是一年还没到头似乎就有些泄气了.

  • 2、

    He'd been talking all day and appears to have run out of steam.


  • 3、

    For the past two years, everyone has been waiting for Chelsea to run out of steam.

    过去两年, 每一位切黑一直都在等待切尔西停顿下来.

  • 4、

    Now, It'seems that the stove has already begun to run out of steam.

    现在, 这个炉灶似乎已经开始往外冒热气.
